All-In-One School | Uniting and Differentiating Combined Elementary and Senior High Schools

AIA Continuing Education Provider

1 LU / HSW

Room: E145-146

Furnished by: Artcobell

Audience: Architects


Call to Action:

  1. A high level overview describing the advantages and disadvantages of consolidating two schools on one site and two schools under a shared roof will allow attendees to determine whether a consolidated school campus is suitable for their own project.
  2. Planners, designers, educators, and facilities personnel will be exposed to numerous design solutions that address the distinct needs of multiple age groups concurrently that can be directly applied to their next project, whether it be an Elementary School, Secondary School, or a Campus.

Abstract: For communities and catchment areas that have a wide array of student age groups, architects are often tasked to create a School Campus/Facility that encompasses Kindergarten to Senior High Students. The desire to host both Elementary and Secondary Schools within the same site, invites students and staff to be more united with one another while encouraging everyone to become engaged and active participants within their community. Some advantages of having both an elementary and high school curriculum on to the same site means that resources can be shared, friendships can be built, connections can be established, and mentorship can be fostered amongst both students and staff. There are also inherent advantages of consolidating schools and sites from a construction and cost perspective. At the same time, creating a campus that captures a student 4 years of age through to 18+, poses a challenging problem whereby contradictory design objectives need to be met concurrently. How can a campus create camaraderie AND separation? How can a common space be shared across all ages AND prevent bullying? How can a school create unity AND individuality? How can you offer a sense of graduation, progression, and accomplishment? Each school needs to reflect its students to foster a sense of pride and ownership in themselves and their education. Through a variety of methods, these seemingly conflicting goals can be realized. Site design, scheduling, passive surveillance, scale of space, scale of furniture, travel distances, colours, and materials all play a part in addressing these seemingly conflicting goals. Through the collaboration of landscape architects, architects, interior designers, educators, and facilities personnel, we can innovate and optimize space to reflect the individuality of the students while creating a harmonious environment where students can thrive. We bring our 40 years of combined experience working on schools across Canada; in urban centers as well as in many First Nation Communities to present a wide range of design solutions that meet these challenging design objectives. We will walk through some of the successful planning strategies for singular K-12 school facilities as well as multi-facility school campuses.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Uncover the advantages and disadvantages of consolidating Elementary and Secondary Schools within the same site. Determine the constraints and opportunities inherent in Campus Design from a social, educational, construction, cost, and sustainability perspective.
  2. Determine how to approach site design for Elementary and Secondary Campuses and discover how scheduling comes into play.
  3. Determine how to approach space planning, programming, and scheduling for Elementary and Secondary Campuses.
  4. Discover how volume, scale, furniture, and material selection can transform space to promote harmony, individuality, maturity, playfulness, progression, and a sense of place.
Souk Xoumphonphackdy
Souk Xoumphonphackdy, MAA, OAA, AAA
Senior Associate, Architect, Stantec Architecture

Souk is an architect who has been involved with several community impact, Education, Healthcare, Recreation and First Nations' Projects. He is committed to the integrated design process to transform community needs into innovative high quality architectural spaces with a positive identity. He is always striving to achieve design excellence through the right balance of narratives, architectural features, functionality and program flexibility. Souk has 12+ years of experience in various areas of the project delivery process, from schematic design conception to the fully constructed building.

Dora Batista
Dora Batista
Senior Design Architect, Stantec Architecture

Dora is an architect who, in her 11 years of experience, has accumulated various design experience in Education, Master Planning, Religious, Commercial, Cultural, Residential, and Wellness Facilities. Much of the project work has spanned across Canada, serving First Nation Communities. Dora is an enthusiastic initiator, ready to challenge preconceptions to chart new realms of possibility and opportunity. As Senior Design Architect at Stantec, she is excited to bring innovation, collaboration, and dedication to deliver design excellence to all of her projects. Dora actively participates in design that impacts the community, from small scale installations to large scale architectural projects. She has presented in A4LE in 2018, Winnipeg Downtown Safety Summit in 2018, INDSPIRE Conference in 2018 and has also been curator for the Winnipeg Design Festival in 2015 and 2016.

Kristin Sidoryk
Kristin Sidoryk
Senior Interior Designer, Stantec Architecture

Kristin is a talented interior designer with a diverse portfolio of projects that cover numerous sectors – retail, education, healthcare, residential, sports, recreation and leisure, hospitality, and corporate/office. Kristin is dedicated to her client's needs and listens carefully to each client’s vision. Her skill is carefully bringing that vision into reality and she delights in seeing completed projects.

Core Competency

Design of Educational Facilities
Acts as a resource to the design team in providing ongoing guidance and support to ensure that the emerging and ultimate design aligns with the established community vision, education goals, future programming, written design standards, best/next practices and education policy.

LearningSCAPES 2024 Conference in Portland, Oregon


Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Portland, OR 97232


October 16-19, 2024


+1 480.391.0840