Online registration closes on October 23, 2025.
Your full conference registration includes, all meals, access to all conference sessions, keynote addresses, refreshment breaks, opening/closing reception, all tours Awards celebration.
Guest Meal Package includes: meals for Trade Show Reception, networking, Awards Celebration and all breakfasts/lunches. For guests only, conference attendees do not need to add this to the conference registration.
Payment/Cancellation Policy
All registration payments will be required by the start of the event. Cancellation requests must be made in writing to There is a $100 processing fee for ALL cancellations, no refunds will be issued for registrations cancelled after October 17, 2025.
Terms of Registration
The LearningSCAPES Event is held in a public space; therefore, we do not prohibit participants, exhibitors, sponsors, news organizations and other companies from photographing or video or audio-taping some event activities. By submitting a registration for the Event, you (conference attendee) and any guests will be granting permission for the use of your name, and/or photographs taken at the conference, to be used on the website and/or in subsequent marketing materials.