How to Open a New Facility With 100% Asset Data Accuracy

AIA Continuing Education Provider

1 LU

Room: D137-138

Audience: Facilities Personnel

Call to Action: 

  1. Connect with SJUSD, WISD, or one of the other Asset Centric Project Management References provided during this session.
  2. Create a task force to begin establishing a playbook which defines what critical assets need data collected, what attributes are critical to those assets, and how a project team contributes this data as part of their normal business processes.
  3. Begin the process of amending project specifications to include the requirements of your playbook.

Abstract: The best-designed school facilities will only work for students and teachers if properly maintained. These valuable assets require database-driven tools for proper operation, care, and maintenance. For a generation, we’ve opened facilities without this critical data in place. Even though everything we need for a good database was selected, collected, installed, and inspected before we open the doors to our new school, the data is not gathered in a way that feeds the operations database. A new methodology is being used during planning, design, and construction which facilitates collection of data in a way that automatically and instantly feeds the operations tools. In this session, you’ll hear from the San Juan Unified School District from the Sacramento, CA area, and Waco (TX) Independent School District about how they are using this methodology to eliminate the costly collection, collating, and re-creating of data that occurs at the conclusion of a project. And you’ll come to understand the value proposition of this method called Asset Centric Project Management.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the true cost and consequences of missing asset data at facility startup.
  2. Learn a new method to be used during planning and design that will eliminate the above reference cost and consequences.
  3. Learn how to create an Asset Centric Playbook to define your needs and helps govern your processes.
Nicholas Johnson
Nicholas Johnson
Chief Evangelist, Kahua

Nicholas’s career followed the latest technologies. First CAD/CAM, then BIM, then SaaS-based PMIS, and now Kahua’s low/no-code PMIS platform. Nicholas was a design engineer Heery International (now CBRE) before moving to the software business. He’s held leadership positions at Constructware, Autodesk, and Trimble. He twice took two-year working sabbaticals to serve a greater cause. The first with Amigos for Christ, a non-profit serving the poorest of the poor in Nicaragua, and more recently, with the Society of St Vincent DePaul, serving the poor in Georgia. He now has the honor of serving the AEC industry as Kahua’s Chief Evangelist.

Cherie Chenoweth
Cherie Chenoweth
Director of Project Controls, San Juan USD

Cherie has been with San Juan Unified School District for over 19 years, serving various roles throughout her tenure. Today, Cherie is the Coordinator of Facilities Business & Compliance, overseeing fiscal and purchasing for transportation, construction, M&O and custodial. During her time at the district, she has been responsible for multi-delivery procurement methods, developed and created cash flows for bond tracking and sales for three bonds equating to $1.2 billion. Cherie has been at the forefront of the district’s digital transformation to a project management information system and manages bond and state funding audits. She has two adult children and two grandchildren. Cherie has been living with cancer for the past ten years, but it only makes her stronger and able to cherish life even more. Her goal is to leave behind a legacy and something that people can learn and grow from. She has recently started consulting LLC helping School District develop a Facilities program, transforming their programs, so they have a seamless program and less work with better processes and systems. Helping others is a passion. Cherie has also recently helped train staff in a Furniture Replacement program and build cashflows for a large program. 

Gloria Barrera
Gloria Barrera
Director of Facilities and Construction, Waco ISD

Gloria’s career includes experience in every facet of the design and construction business. She started in the roofing business, moved into commercial development and owner representation, on-site construction supervision and quality control, facility planning and program management. Gloria has presented at state and national conferences on facility related topics since 2003. She served as CEFPI (A4LE) Southern Region President in 2005.

Core Competency

Educational Facility Implementation, Project Management/Project Delivery
Has a working understanding of how the following areas impact the facility program: regulations and policies; project delivery methodologies; scheduling; preventative maintenance; life-cycle planning; and systems commissioning.

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October 16-19, 2024


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